Site Manager - Job Insight

Site Manager - Job Insight

 24 Aug 2018

    Job Insights,
    Site Manager

What's it like to be a Construction Site Manager? 

We spoke to an experienced industry professional to give you a first hand account of what its like to be a Site Manager in the construction industry.

See our interview below:


How did you first get into Site Management?

It was a natural move after being a construction management trainee


What personal qualities do you think are essential to be a good Site Manager?

Natural authority, ability to deal with pressure


What is the worst thing / difficulties about your job?

Getting all sub-contractors to understand the bigger picture, not just their own tasks      


What is the best thing about your job?

Completing a project in time and on budget


What would be your biggest tip for someone looking to become a Site Manager?

Be prepared to work hard and listen to the experienced people around you.